Anyone who has a legitimate interest in establishing that the registration of a conditionally registered domain for a given Domain Applicant is in breach of the Domain Registration Policy may initiate the procedure of the Domain Decision Maker of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Forum.
There are two steps to initiating the procedure: indication the complaint and actually lodging the complaint. The complaint can be indicated within 8 days of the publication of the domain name conditionally put into use by the Registry.
You can initiate a complaint by filling in the form below. The fee for initiating the procedure (indication a complaint) is HUF 5.000 + VAT, i.e. HUF 6.350 per domain name. Please transfer the fee as soon as possible as indicated below, as payment of the fee is a condition for the complaint to be registered.
Once the form has been sent and the payment has been made, the complaint will be acknowledged within 1 working day. The confirmation will include the actual date and time of the complaint.
The complaint may be lodged after the confirmation, the deadline for which is 14 days after the domain name was published.
A complaint may be made in respect of more than one domain, provided that the identity of the Complainee is the same for all domains. The Alternative Dispute Resolution Forum will decide whether to merge or split the cases and will inform the Complainant of this decision in the acknowledgement of the complaint.
To lodge a complaint, you must also pay the relevant procedural fee, which is HUF 150.000 + VAT, i.e. HUF 190.500 for one domain. For those who have not lost a DD proceeding since 1 January 2023, the procedural fee is HUF 60.000 + VAT, i.e. HUF 76.200 per domain. Further discounts are available depending on the number of domain names included in the procedure, so that for domains 2 to 10, a 50% discount is available (i.e. the procedural fee is HUF 75,000 + VAT, i.e. HUF 95,2500 or HUF 30,000 + VAT, i.e. HUF 44,450 per domain name), and from the 11th domain onwards, a 100% discount is available, i.e. the procedure fee does not increase further.
The procedural fee will be handled by ADRF as deposit and reimbursed to the winning party at the end. ADRF will also send an invoice to the losing party.
The initiation fee will not be refunded.
If you would like to initiate a complaint indication regarding one or more conditionally registered domain names, please fill in the form for indicating the complaint below and kindly transfer the complaint indication fee (HUF 6.350/domain) as follows:
Beneficiary: Internet Szolgáltatók Tanácsa
IBAN: HU12107002997038742351200002
Comment field: the registration number from our confirmation letter and the domain name
The language of the Procedures
The language of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Forum is Hungarian, and submissions to the proceedings by any party can only be made in Hungarian.
If an annex is in a foreign language, a simple translation must also be attached – failure to do so may result in the evidence being disregarded.
Please submit the form and pay the fee bearing in mind that the processing of the request for indication a complaint takes 1 working day and the deadline for submitting an indication of complaint is the 8th day after the domain name was published.
Completion of fields marked with * are mandatory.
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